
To start your benefit decision process,
check your phone for your PIN

We sent this to {{displayPhoneNumber}}. If this isn't you, click here.


Send me a new PIN

New PIN sent

Your {{useIdNumber ? 'ID' : 'Passport'}} Number is required

The OTP is required

This OTP is too short

This OTP is too long

Only numbers are allowed

Please enter the email address or mobile number that you want us to contact you on

Maximum email length is 100

Please enter a valid email address

Please enter your mobile number

Minimum mobile number length is 10

Maximum mobile number length is 15

Only valid mobile numbers are allowed

Or you can contact us

You can call us at the following contact details:

Contact Name: {{}}
Office Telephone Number: {{memberModel.helpContactDetails.telephoneNumber}}
Email Address: {{memberModel.helpContactDetails.emailAddress}}
Office Hours: {{memberModel.helpContactDetails.officeHours}}

Thank you for your details

Personal Email


Cell number


In order to protect you, a member of our call centre will call you to verify your details.

© Momentum Metropolitan Life Limited 2017
Momentum Corporate is part of Momentum Metropolitan Life Limited, an authorised financial services and registered credit provider.
The information contained is factual information specific to your existing retirement savings account in the fund and risk benefits, it does not constitute advice as defined in FAIS or tax advice. The tax information provided is for illustrative purposes.