Taking a lump sum from your retirement savings

You have confirmed that you understand the impact of taking part of or all of your retirement savings in as a lump sum and you want to go ahead.

Thank you {{memberModel.member.name}}

Please correct the errors below

You have chosen to take {{memberModel.toNearestTen(pensionCalcService.model.totalCashout) | currency : 'RSA' : 'R' : '1.0-0'}} of your retirement savings as a lump sum. Please provide your banking details below.


Bank name is required

Only characters are allowed

Account number is required

Account number is too short

Only numbers are allowed

Branch code is required

Branch code is too short

Only numbers are allowed

name is required

name too long

Only characters are allowed


Account type is required


If you want your retirement savings to stay invested until your date of withdrawal or a later date please indicate your preferred disinvestment date.